Date: 1/16/10
Days Left: 59
Weight: 120 lbs
Goal: 110 lbs
Loss: Nada
Mood: Tragic
This morning, I was reluctant to jump on that scale, but like an injection, I had to go through with it. After last nights debacle, the goal was out of my field. I have a strict criteria for weighing myself. I only jump on the scale first thing in the morning after relieving myself from science. Secondly, I only use my home scale. My chest swelled and my head swarmed with regret as the scale tipped 120.4. What a relief! I maintained. Now all I can wish for is a couple bowel movements today.
According to the news, a storm was on the horizon, but looking out the living room window I beg to differ. I was going to avoid the gym today, as I needed to be outdoors with the family. Maxine joined us at Crissy Fields two dogs and all. It wasn’t an ardurous work out, but at least I wasn’t at home with my tush on the couch. I had to keep my cardiovascular in check. As much as I wanted to bake fresh ham and cheese scones, and eat it piping hot from the oven.

I, was realistic in my approach, as I wouldn’t be able to fight off the urge of having a small portion of one. I veered on a home made slice of organic kale frittata and direct from my Champion Juicer fresh squeezed vegetable blend of kale, frozen blueberries, beets, carrots, celery, and pear. If you haven’t noticed, kale or chard are my go to greens, guaranteed to be delicious and so delicious for you. I make sure my vegetable crisper is full of the dark green goddess.
After our walk, we were famished! As I usually mistake myself for selfish, I only brought snacks for the kids. I booked it across town before I would have a melt down. Note to self, you must eat a small meal every three to four hours in order to regulate your metabolism. After heating up left overs for the kids, it was my turn damnit. Looking in the refrigerator, it was always a quick fire challenge. I was starving at this point, I couldn’t see straight. Damn you low blood sugar! I heated the stainless steel pan lightly coat it with grape seed oil. I seasoned the skirt steak with salt, pepper, cumin. I threw a rosemary and thyme sprig into the pan and laid the protein down. I tossed mixed greens with two carrots that were strewn with a carrot peeler, ¼ avocado, red onions. I pulled the skirt steak out of the pan to rest and cooked the fennel in the steak juices and roasted in the oven for five minutes.

When cooking, please be aware that I’m also cooking for said husband as well. As much as Shane denies that he’s not a picky eater, he abhors repitition. This coming from the same guy that disallowed his food to touch one on another on his plate as a child, so his mom confesses. He has an obsessive compulsive food disorder, no biggie. Another footnote about said husband, he was born to be blunt that could permanently scorn a weakling with no backbone. It’s the truth. He proudly mistakes it for honesty, “What do you want me to lie? I’m just being honest.” He volunteers willingly without the recipient’s request. Luckily, with my seven brothers, I came ill equipped with a very thick skin and wit to match. If it was another woman, well they would simply fall fashionably and insecurably to pieces.
“Thanks hon, this is very delicious.” He scarved his food down.
“Your welcome.” I daintily ate my food as eating slow as my digestion will thank me later.
“We should really eat more skirt steak. Gawd, this is good.”
“Yep.” I agreed. Although if I served it this week, it would go against his code of repetition. I would have to serve it a couple weeks from today.

That evening I roasted an organic free range air chilled chicken. I’m a marketing victim and was wooed by the term air chilled. I don’t know what it meant except that maybe it was put in a refrigerator to prevent it from perishing? Plus the sign read $2.79/lb unsure of whether that was cheap or expensive, I bought it anyway. I walked the sharp edges of my financial budget. I made a simple rosemary roasted chicken. I then sautéed some onions and mushrooms in the remaining chicken juices and tossed in steamed dino kale. One can never go wrong with vegetables, I made a side of roasted carrots that were al dente. Nothing worse then overcooked carrots. I loved the crunch. The entire meal was butter and oil free. As much as I love finishing my food with butter, I was on a mission to 110.
This is Shellie "I can't believe it's not butter" back to you Bob at the studio!
kale really is you're go to
ReplyDeletedon't know where to begin with kale or chard or any green
ReplyDeleteyour a lady on a mission. I'm inspired.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you find the time to fit everything in???? Where do I get a champion juicer? Your veg juice looks delcious but does it taste as good as it looks.
ReplyDeleteThe champions expensive machinery and is creates healthy drinks. I love my champion.
ReplyDeleteno butter or fat is tough to beat.I'm a big fan of butter!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletevegetable juice is it disgusting or what?